Tag: running dog

On Line Breaks

By Naomi Riddle — 29 January, 2019

‘Imaginative work…is like a spider’s web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners.’ Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own (1929) ‘Finitude is the precondition of and not the foil to power.’ Vitalist International, ‘Life Finds a Way’, Commune Magazine (2018)   In November 2018, the editors of…

On Community

By Naomi Riddle — 27 April, 2018

Whenever I give my editorial spiel about Running Dog to those involved in the arts community, the subsequent conversation tends to centre on the question of the ‘negative review’. Although these conversations are specific, each with their own terms of reference, the direction they take can be divided into two categories: those advocating that there…

On Slowness

By Naomi Riddle — 28 March, 2018

‘We cultivate insomnia, a kind of vigilance against the violence of the world that is always on digital display…We live in 24-7 time, a cosmos where the distinction between night and day shrinks, where age-old circadian rhythms have given way to a block of undifferentiated moments.’ Anna Della Subin, Not Dead But Sleeping (2017), p….

On Starting

By Naomi Riddle — 21 February, 2018

“Running Dog magazine.’  ‘Running Dog,’ he said. ‘Yes.’ ‘You people still in business?’ ‘Barely.’  ‘Capitalist lackeys and running dogs.’  ‘Someone remembers,’ she said.’ Don DeLillo, Running Dog (1978), p. 30  ‘There is no superiority in making things or in re-making things.’ Anne Boyer, Garments Against Women (2015), p. 20    In its first five months of publication Running…