Cherine Fahd

Cherine Fahd is an artist, academic and writer working in the field of photography. Her work is represented in public collections such as the National Gallery of Australia, Art Gallery of New South Wales, National Gallery of Victoria, Museum of Photographic Arts San Diego and the Haifa Museum of Art, Israel. Fahd is a regular contributor to The Conversation amongst other news media. She holds a doctorate from Monash University, Melbourne and is Senior Lecturer in Photography at UTS Design. She is currently a serving member of the Artist Advisory Group at the Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney.

Apartment Monologue



By Cherine Fahd — 29 June, 2018

In the front matter of a yellowing paperback copy of Roland Barthes’ A Lover’s Discourse (1990) I have inscribed the date—23 July 2000. Looking at it now, I can recall this time eighteen years ago, reading Barthes’ work during a long period of romantic solitude. I hadn’t been in a relationship for at least six…