Support RD

For $2 (USD) a month, you can support Running Dog and our commitment to publishing innovative, daring and rigorous criticism and experimental arts writing.

Top three reasons to donate:

—Running Dog’s content will always be free to read, and we have an unwavering belief in the principles of open access;
—We are a non-commercial grassroots venture, which allows us to make independent editorial decisions. We wish to garner support from our  community rather than solely relying on government funding bodies or philanthropy, and we have no ties to sponsors or advertisers;
All donated funds will be used for writer’s fees and operation costs. They will not be used for salaries, event costs or promotional material.



RD Supporters: 

Iakovos Amperidis
Pedro de Almeida 
Mariam Arcilla
Julia Barnes
David Burns
Sophia Cai
Sarah Contos
Alison Croggon
Patrick Cremin
Julian Day
Alyx Dennison 
Chris Dolman 
Kelly Fliedner
Emma Jenkins
Hannah Jenkins
Sam Kwon
Peter Lenaerts
Luke Létourneau
Tesha Malott
Hayley Megan French 
Tom Hogan 
Miriam Osburn
Olivia Radonich
JD Reforma 
Casey van Reyk 
Nick Shimmin
Thom Smyth
Sarah Thomson
Genevieve Trail
David Trumpmanis
Lily Wharton