every dog has its day

every dog has its day was available to watch from 30th October 2020 to 18th December 2020. You can watch an excerpt here.

Drawing from the fraught archive of consumer-produced media, ‘every dog has its day’ explores Internet folklore, mediated presence, and the inherent manipulation in image production and consumption loops. This work extends the artist’s interest from mass media into the more specified role of the prosumer and society’s changing relations to images since the emergence of Camcorders, smart phones, and the spread of online media platforms. The piece examines the digital image as an extension of the self and as a reflection of state ideology and global corporate expansion. 

Alison Nguyen, every dog has its day (still) (2019) HD video, single channel, colour, sound, 6 min 39 seconds

The video’s audio includes electronic dance music, which is interspersed with individuals speaking through cameras on their computers, posted online for anonymous audiences. ‘every dog has its day’ explores the circular notion that while we produce images, images also produce us.