Dženana Vucic

Dženana Vucic is a Bosnian-Australian writer, poet and critic. She is the 2021 Kat Muscat Fellow and a 2020 Wheeler Centre Hot Desk Fellow. Her writing has appeared in Cordite, Overland, Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings, Australian Poetry Journal, the Australian Multilingual Writing Project, Rabbit, and others. She tweets at @dzenanabanana.

we repeat

By Dženana Vucic — 30 June, 2021

my mother took up smoking after we escaped the war it didn’t last long but the cigarette trembling in her hands, the flick of the lighter—once, twice, flare—her face pale against the summer, will outlast plastic and concrete and whole civilizations. she was twenty-four once and I want to be dead unfilled from her mouth…